From a small mining town to an alien world
galaxies away...

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Gaia, a planet in a distant galaxy, has been ravaged by a war which it instigated.  The topography is predominantly flat and barren, with bronze rippling sands, containing little in the way of vegetation or bodies of water.  A manufactured purple sun serves as the primary source of energy for the planet. 
Settlement areas consist of raised dome-like structures linked together by a series of passageways that only appear on demand. The communities emit a fluorescent green glow.
There is one extraordinary place on Gaia.  Surrounded by glimmering bronze mountains, is the Valley, a reproduction of Gaia’s natural environment before it was destroyed by war.  Vicky compares its design to Disneyland and describes it as “a desert oasis with its vibrant flowers and lush plants,” many of which have fiber optic effects.  There are numerous water features with rainbow-colored waters.  A silver volcano is the area’s focal point.


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"My eyes wander over our lonely neighborhood with its rows of older homes on large tree-filled lots. …  It just takes a few minutes to cross the scrub fields before I’m standing at the foot of the hill."
- Vicky

Oreville is the town where Vicky was born and raised.  The community has a derelict air about it.  Greenery is scarce due to years of industrial pollution caused by a former company involved in mining and smelting operations.  The topography is predominately hilly with scrub fields.
Vicky describes Oreville in these words: “The look of the town matches the worn down hills.  All of the houses are the same, street after street, with siding and faded black shingle roofs.”
There isn’t much in the way of entertainment and Vicky and her best friend Ming travel to nearby Copper Cliff City to attend high school.

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Mount Baigong, Qinghai

Deep within a remote area of Qinghai, a western province in China, is Mount Baigong (loosely translated as White Mountain).  At the peak is what is perceived to be a pyramid.  Three entrances at the mountain’s base lead to hundreds of what appear to be rusty, metal pipe-like structures.  These travel from deep within the mountain to a nearby salt water lake.
On their first flight aboard Troy’s transporter, Vicky and Ming are brought to this location.
Theorists have suggested that the area is part of an ancient alien public works project.  The caves have been likened to a laboratory by some.